
This Just In

SISO, UFI to Expand Collaboration


Santa Monica, CA – The Society of Independent Show Organizers (SISO) has extended its collaboration agreement with UFI, the Global Association of the Exhibition Industry.

The pact, first enacted six years ago, serves as a platform to provide practical assistance to those international companies wishing to do more business in North America and to allow American companies to leverage the power of the UFI network for their own international development.

“We really appreciate the valuable working relationship that has been developed between SISO and UFI,” said Charles McCurdy, chairman of SISO. “There is much more that we can do as our members are increasingly interested in international development. And we know that the U.S. remains high on the priority list for many companies around the world.”

The two associations are planning to increase their formal activities toward mutual expansion of show brands. The strategy includes regular joint meetings of the SISO and UFI Executive committees plus closer collaboration on education and market research.

“The first six years of our collaboration achieved a lot,” said UFI President Andres Lopez-Valderama. “Now is the time to do more and build on that success.”

Reach Charles McCurdy at (877) 937-7476  or; Andres Lopez-Valderama at; SISO Executive Director Lew Shomer at (310) 450-8831 or

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